ChannelOption的doc说明 /** * A {@link ChannelOption} allows to configure a {@link ChannelConfig} in a type-safe * way. Which {@link ChannelOption} is supported depends on the actual implementation * of {@link ChannelConfig} and may depend on the nature of the transport it belongs * to. * * @param <T> the type of the value which is valid for the {@link ChannelOption} */ ChannelOption是一种以一种安全的方式配置ChannelConfig,ChannelOption支持的类型个依赖于ChannelConfig的实际类型 和他所属的传输层的本质。 T 类型是ChannelOption的值得类型 public class ChannelOption<T> extends AbstractConstant<ChannelOption<T>> { private static final ConstantPool<ChannelOption<Object>> pool = new ConstantPool<ChannelOption<Object>>() { protected ChannelOption<Object> newConstant(int id, String name) { return new ChannelOption<Object>(id, name); } }; ...略
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public static final ChannelOption<Boolean> SO_BROADCAST = valueOf("SO_BROADCAST"); public static final ChannelOption<Boolean> SO_KEEPALIVE = valueOf("SO_KEEPALIVE"); public static final ChannelOption<Integer> SO_SNDBUF = valueOf("SO_SNDBUF"); public static final ChannelOption<Integer> SO_RCVBUF = valueOf("SO_RCVBUF"); public static final ChannelOption<Boolean> SO_REUSEADDR = valueOf("SO_REUSEADDR"); public static final ChannelOption<Integer> SO_LINGER = valueOf("SO_LINGER"); public static final ChannelOption<Integer> SO_BACKLOG = valueOf("SO_BACKLOG"); public static final ChannelOption<Integer> SO_TIMEOUT = valueOf("SO_TIMEOUT");
public abstract class AbstractConstant<T extends AbstractConstant<T>> implements Constant<T> {}
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/** * A singleton which is safe to compare via the {@code ==} operator. Created and managed by {@link ConstantPool}. * 是单例的并且是可以用过“==”安全比较的。使用ConstantPool创建和管理 */ public interface Constant<T extends Constant<T>> extends Comparable<T> {
/** * Returns the unique number assigned to this {@link Constant}. * 返回唯一的编码 */ int id();
/** * Returns the name of this {@link Constant}. * 返回一个名称 */ String name(); }
/** * A pool of {@link Constant}s. *一个Constant的常量池 * @param <T> the type of the constant * T是constant类型 */ public abstract class ConstantPool<T extends Constant<T>> {
private final ConcurrentMap<String, T> constants = PlatformDependent.newConcurrentHashMap(); //返回Java.util里边的ConcurrentHashMap private final AtomicInteger nextId = new AtomicInteger(1); ....略 /** * Get existing constant by name or creates new one if not exists. Threadsafe * 通过name得到一个已近存在的constant ,没有的话直接创建,线程安全的 * @param name the name of the {@link Constant} * 常量的名字 */ private T getOrCreate(String name) { T constant = constants.get(name);//根据名字从ConcurrentHashMap里边获取 if (constant == null) {//不存在 final T tempConstant = newConstant(nextId(), name);//构建一个,id是随机出来的 constant = constants.putIfAbsent(name, tempConstant);//放入ConcurrentHashMap里边 if (constant == null) {//考虑多线程的时候,二次判空处理 return tempConstant; } }
return constant; } public final int nextId() { return nextId.getAndIncrement(); } ....略
/** * Returns the {@link Constant} which is assigned to the specified {@code name}. * If there's no such {@link Constant}, a new one will be created and returned. * Once created, the subsequent calls with the same {@code name} will always return the previously created one * (i.e. singleton.) * * @param name the name of the {@link Constant} */ public T valueOf(String name) { checkNotNullAndNotEmpty(name); return getOrCreate(name); }
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/** * Get existing constant by name or creates new one if not exists. Threadsafe * * @param name the name of the {@link Constant} */ private T getOrCreate(String name) { T constant = constants.get(name); if (constant == null) { final T tempConstant = newConstant(nextId(), name); constant = constants.putIfAbsent(name, tempConstant); if (constant == null) { return tempConstant; } }
/** * A set of configuration properties of a {@link Channel}. * 一个Channel配置属性的集合 * <p> * Please down-cast to more specific configuration type such as * {@link SocketChannelConfig} or use {@link #setOptions(Map)} to set the * transport-specific properties: * 通过向下类型转换比如SocketChannelConfig或者使用setOptions(Map)设置特殊传输属性 * <pre> * {@link Channel} ch = ...; * {@link SocketChannelConfig} cfg = <strong>({@link SocketChannelConfig}) ch.getConfig();</strong> * cfg.setTcpNoDelay(false); * </pre> * * <h3>Option map</h3> * * An option map property is a dynamic write-only property which allows * the configuration of a {@link Channel} without down-casting its associated * {@link ChannelConfig}. To update an option map, please call {@link #setOptions(Map)}. * 使用map将所有的属性进行设置,它们的key可以是如下的一些参数,value是向下类型装换的类。 * <p> * All {@link ChannelConfig} has the following options: * * <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"> * <tr> * <th>Name</th><th>Associated setter method</th> * </tr><tr> * <td>{@link ChannelOption#CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS}</td><td>{@link #setConnectTimeoutMillis(int)}</td> * </tr><tr> * <td>{@link ChannelOption#WRITE_SPIN_COUNT}</td><td>{@link #setWriteSpinCount(int)}</td> * </tr><tr> * <td>{@link ChannelOption#WRITE_BUFFER_WATER_MARK}</td><td>{@link #setWriteBufferWaterMark(WriteBufferWaterMark)}</td> * </tr><tr> * <td>{@link ChannelOption#ALLOCATOR}</td><td>{@link #setAllocator(ByteBufAllocator)}</td> * </tr><tr> * <td>{@link ChannelOption#AUTO_READ}</td><td>{@link #setAutoRead(boolean)}</td> * </tr> * </table> * <p> * More options are available in the sub-types of {@link ChannelConfig}. For * example, you can configure the parameters which are specific to a TCP/IP * socket as explained in {@link SocketChannelConfig}. * 更多的参数设置可以在ChannelConfig子类类型里边设置,比如你可以在SocketChannelConfig里边指定TCP/IP的一些设置 */
再来看一下AttributeKey: 可以看到它和ChannelOption的上层结构是一样的。
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/** * Key which can be used to access {@link Attribute} out of the {@link AttributeMap}. Be aware that it is not be * possible to have multiple keys with the same name. * 一个在AttributeMap外部访问Attribute的key,不会出现2个相同的key * @param <T> the type of the {@link Attribute} which can be accessed via this {@link AttributeKey}. * T类型是一个Attribute类型,可以通过AttributeKey访问 */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") // 'T' is used only at compile time public final class AttributeKey<T> extends AbstractConstant<AttributeKey<T>> {
private static final ConstantPool<AttributeKey<Object>> pool = new ConstantPool<AttributeKey<Object>>() { @Override protected AttributeKey<Object> newConstant(int id, String name) { return new AttributeKey<Object>(id, name); } };
/** * An attribute which allows to store a value reference. It may be updated atomically and so is thread-safe. *用来存放值得引用,可以进行原子操作,并且是线程安全的。 * @param <T> the type of the value it holds. * T是Attribute持有的值得类型 */ public interface Attribute<T> {
/** * Holds {@link Attribute}s which can be accessed via {@link AttributeKey}. *通过AttributeKey访问Attribute * Implementations must be Thread-safe. * 实现类必须是线程安全的 */ public interface AttributeMap { /** * Get the {@link Attribute} for the given {@link AttributeKey}. This method will never return null, but may return * an {@link Attribute} which does not have a value set yet. */ <T> Attribute<T> attr(AttributeKey<T> key);
/** * Returns {@code} true if and only if the given {@link Attribute} exists in this {@link AttributeMap}. */ <T> boolean hasAttr(AttributeKey<T> key); }